
How do we protect the security of Prince Harry?

How do we protect the security of Prince Harry?
British media recently reported that, despite concerns that Prince Harry will become the target of attacks, the British army Chief of General Staff Richard Dannat decided he was deployed to Iraq Missan Prince Harry left his comrades for this have to buy a full silk top wig, prepare posing as Prince toconfuse the enemy. In addition, the British Defense Ministry is also preparing to send a crew, to shooting Prince Harry serving in Iraq experienced, and then broadcast on television and online, inspire British troops morale.

The Sun reported recently, next to Iraq, British soldiers in addition to purchase wigs also snapped up "I'm Harry" T-shirts. It is said that this T-shirt is also designed to confuse the enemy. Prince Harry secretly glad of the support of his comrades, he was sent to Iraq triggered a fierce debate in the UK concerning.
In fact, the British military will not allow soldiers to wear a silk top full lace wigs to perform combat missions, Prince Harry's comrades know that. However, they feel, posing as Prince Harry "in the rest time is a pastime.

Gaddafi also like to wear a wig

Gaddafi also like to wear a wig
According to the Washington Post reported on May 21, investigators have DNA tests Gaddafi, Gaddafi dead wearing a wig.Chairman of the Libyan National Transitional Council, the Executive Committee, said an investigation team has been sampling Gaddafi's blood, saliva and hair and soon find Qaddafi are wearing hair is not hair, but a undetectable full lace wigs.

Gaddafi attention to his image, he had done cosmetic income, and an the Brazil orthopedic surgeon said, do not want to nationals see their own aging. Gaddafi had hair, also abdominal fat into the face, in order to avoid the aging face. In fact, from the video Gaddafi is killed, we can easily see that his hair is actually a bit scarce.

Pet's silk cap lace wigs

Pet's silk cap lace wigs
To dress up fashion, many young people keen on wearing a wig, in particular, the different colors of the silk cap lace wigs.

However, wearing a wig human patent it?A designer in Dallas has launched a series designed specifically for pet cat wig the changeable hair so an only cat has become particularly fashionable, but also hilarious.

Prince Harry's news

Prince Harry's news
According to the British "Sun" reported on the 11th, Prince Harry, who like pranks his comrades told him that support, buy a silk top full lace wigs before they went to Iraq, they want to confuse Iraqi militants Through this approach, so that militants can not Prince Harry to determine who is a soldier.

Comrade-in-arms of the Royal Cavalry Regiment, said the 22-year-old Harry, a second lieutenant think this joke "very funny", but his play against the faithful support was very pleased. People still made ​​on the military to send Harry to go to Iraq to fight in the war, decided to argue.
In fact, the soldiers of the Household Cavalry regiment know, the military will be banned when they battle wearing silk cap lace wigs, these wigs can certainly become the Royal Cavalry Regiment rest time entertainment props.


Nurses new assessment methods

Nurses new assessment methods
December 3, according to the British "Daily Telegraph" Britain will enact a new policy, how many of the patients with compassion as a principal element into the work appraisal of the country's nurses, not just wear or not remi human hair wig.
British authorities Local 4 will be released to judge nurses patients the compassion the amount of the specific details.

The British Chief Nursing Officer Jane Cummings said the beliefs of the nursing profession in the United Kingdom is in the lowest of all age point, through the award of this new policy, she would like to establish a British nursing profession humane care and cultural. It is reported that the national policy has been brewing for several months.
Previously, there have been reports that the bad attitude of nurses towards patients. British health minister Jeremy Hunt clear last week that British patients are often cold-shoulder treatment, sometimes met with resentment and contempt of the nursing staff. Hunt accused was "cruel normalization" of some of Britain's worst hospital.

Eliminates the trouble of wearing a wigs

Eliminates the trouble of wearing a wigs
According to the British "Daily Mirror" on December 4, the older women endure alopecia a troubled people in their own head pattern full of patterns, from which eliminates the trouble of wearing a best quality human hair lace wigs.

The 60-year-old woman named Ann McDonald, from the city of Edinburgh, is a cleaner. Suffering from alopecia, Ann hair fall out, wearing a full lace wigs every day that she was very depressed, "I think the bald look ugly, often hiding in the bed and cried.
Ann finally determined to come up with 720 pounds, tattoo parlors to her scalp veins full tread pattern. The whole process three times, each lasted for four hours.
Although the process is very painful, but Ann adhere down, she said that most people are like the pattern of her head, and therefore feel more happy.


Joy of Halloween shapes

Joy of Halloween shapes
The United States in the mid-19th century, Halloween limited to the immigrant communities in Scotland and Ireland to celebrate until the early 20th century, it became the mainstream culture of the United States.

As can be seen from the photos of the most original Halloween file, both men and women, and their Halloween dress up all kinds of silk top lace wigs, with different features from the grotesque horror to creative services. The creative dress: two ladies dressed as a big mushroom of them bearded lovely friend (left); two men, dressed in a black suit wearing a giant eye-shaped ornaments (right). Looks like a photo of the 20th century.

What is the difference american lawyer?

What is the difference american lawyer?
American lawyer and judge whether wearing what, what is the difference with the British.

Says the judge first, and most obvious difference is not wore a white glueless lace wigs to the court. United States to repeal the robe with the preferences of the third president, Thomas Jefferson, and his most hated British-style glueless lace front wigs, eerie eyes from the wig after flashing blue light, can not stand it. "Therefore, the United States once destroy a wig, robe, these two, and later the robe was restored in order to highlight the status of judges VIP.

The concept of the robe of the difference between British and American, the Americans keen freedom, so we can already popular Season 5 (The Good Wife) which can see you Justice robe wearing more casual shirt with tie inside are clearly visible. The other hand, on the period mentioned in the British drama "Crown counsel, wigs, ribbons and a lot of shirts need to Arrow collar, white ribbons or colored ribbons (with level).

Besides the lawyers, the American Bar appear in court in order to suit the senior men's suits, ladies suits are based on the skirt with the same fabric jacket main. The male lawyers oxford shoes and see often, of medium height, dark high heels rules men to lace, women generally do not lace.

North by northwest

North by northwest
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez reelected for the third time the presidency, but he's the biggest threat is not a headache the the endless internal affairs, but his pelvic cancer. In recent years, a number of anti-American president in Latin America suffering from various forms of cancer, appeals to the imagination, and the CIA is accused of being behind.

In addition to Chavez, Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff suffering from lymphoma, are receiving treatment, had to wear a glueless lace wigs appearance; former Paraguayan President Lugo, found that the cancer cells in the lymphoid tissue in the groin; former Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva just over six 16 birthday was diagnosed with throat cancer, and required to undergo chemotherapy; Argentine President Cristina the end of last year was diagnosed with thyroid cancer; Colombian President Santos recently announced that he was suffering from prostate cancer.

Djokovic's fun thing

Djokovic's fun thing
ATP London after the finals, novak djokovic holding the first title and year-end first the two big home honor, see encounter respiratory sick father. He immediately to Slovakia, and two local star to a exhibition game, it will also own coach the wye to pull together play, this is your own money also do not forget with coach points a scoop soup? Later, he had to Brazil, and three-time dragnet championship winner KuErTeng to a joke the public exhibition game, and last Sunday in a football exhibition game neutralization zico,, romario and bebeto teamed up stage, and even goals.

About five with the grand slam winner identity and the world first position, his single field exhibition game worth already can amount to 500000 dollars. Although the price does not poor, but absolutely worth; After all, most performance talent he is man of tennis king of comedy, absolute can make the fans enjoy and back. Brazil exhibition game, he put on KuErTeng type glueless lace front wigs imitation on the other side of the ball movement, the two men also jump the jiangnan Style dance, and with linesman and caddie intimate contact; More exaggeration, rest between innings off coat reloading, upper body do open, he also a face of meet to accept four Brazil beauty soft comfort.

Grandpa according to the model

Grandpa according to the model
Be accidentally discovered is often young model, however, in the present case, fashion pet is China's 72 - year - old man liu qian flat, he became a sensation all over the world people.
The United States global post website November 19 quoted Hong Kong of the south China morning post reported that liu qian flat granddaughter LvTing in taobao sells women's clothing. She didn't find the right model photos and shape frame for her grandpa voluntary as a model.
These models according to online only a few days will be crazy to click, LvTing business has become very well. The latest statistics show that the online sales increased five times.

LvTing said, dressed in fashion, stockings, wearing a silk top full lace wigs and deserve to act the role of grandfather look good, this let her very surprised. She said, grandpa weighing about 50 kg, height 1.65 meters, is a perfect model.
Liu qian flat said: "how can't accept (wear a silk top lace wigs)? Help her (granddaughter) take pictures can also help, and no losses, while taking pictures that we were all very happy, so old age, is a happy diagram.


Bond girl

Bond girl
British "Sun" reported James Bond actor Daniel Craig and Bond girl who jointly starred in the comedy movie "Bond girl" you do not know the plot Funny hilarious.

Coincides with the 50th anniversary of the Bond movies, Bond actor Daniel and Ursula, who recently shot a short film "Bond girl" you do not know, Daniel played in the movie is a Military Intelligence spy. Also starred in the skit actress Diane Keaton, Jodie Foster and Lea Michele, of course, not known to the audience actresses. In one scene, a covered the golden actor wearing a silk top full lace wigs lying in bed looking at the side of Daniel is very funny, down the lens, we see the actor playing a show wearing a silk top lace wigs, looks very humor.

Kardashians new hairstyle

Kardashians new hairstyle
According to the British "Daily Mail" reported, local time on October 14, the reality TV star in Miami Kardashians for Halloween preparation through twitter, she uploaded her in a store dressing room dressed exposure Leopardphotos of tights the body curves glance.

31-year-old in the photo Kardashians the Halloween equipment is a set of leotards, in front of only one layer of tulle shelter, showing good body hot and sexy while wearing a silk top lace wigs. In addition to this set of leopard tights, she also released a photo of a Michael Jackson-style shape. Kardashians Halloween always like to wear tights to show her good figure last year, she wore a green skirt encrusted beads, wearing a red silk top full lace wigs, played Poison Ivy in Batman.

The new styling of the Kardashians

The new styling of the Kardashians
According to the Daily Mail reported, exciting Halloween approaching, the U.S. entertainment industry for nearly 32-year-old socialite Gold Kardashian and boyfriend Kanye West to celebrate this, she was trying to find a suitablethe hourglass figure dress finalized mermaid shape to attend a Halloween party.

This mermaid shape including the green curve fishtail skirt and a conchoidal of bras, night, in order to better interpret the mermaid shape, the Kardashians also deliberately wearing a golden glueless lace wigs boyfriend Kanye wore a Navy wind suit. Big show on her own Twitter and Instagram pictured with her boyfriend, obviously, the Kardashians very satisfied with this body shape. Exchanges with boyfriend Kanye Kardashians leather mania seems to have receding. A few days ago the media photographed Kardashians Alone wearing a glueless lace front wigs and black boots with her ​​favorite. Also photographed the card Kardashian hand collapse oversized crocodile handbag, and perfect with a little black leather charming cleavage.

Why frendchman love perfume?

The Frenchman too love perfume, this is why?

Because French people are accustomed to enjoy abstract art, immersed in the romantic imagination; these romantic fashion and wine similar items equally developed in France, the perfume came into being; perfume speculation because hundreds of years ago, the French nobles credit.

Louis XIII, has a large scar on his head, in order to conceal his invention wearing a glueless lace front wigs, queen of Louis XIII no longer tolerate the smell, complained to her maid dying, so the ladies were categorically assured her After her death, must clean linen, perfume, and she collected 340 pairs of scented gloves buried her.

Louis XIV opposite, known to history as the the love perfume emperor, he particularly like to wear a glueless lace wigs, forced the palace perfumers must daily modulation a favorite perfume, otherwise there is the risk of beheaded Not only that, he also called for the best every day for all the people of France, with perfume.

Crazy fans

Crazy fans
In the week, Chelsea and Manchester United in the League Cup, a Chelsea fans in the stands opposite the Manchester United striker Welbeck do an "imitation monkey" action, in order to represent Manchester United last weekend referee Clattenburgdissatisfaction. Today, this has been the fans' true identity has surfaced after some searching, he called Gavin - Cork Beckham. In normal life, he is an out-and-out "crazy."

"Daily Mail" reported recently living according to some of the crazy fans weekday published, including a wearing Cork Beckham, men's bikini, curved arms around, like a living clown. At the same time, the British media said the Cork Beckham in the photo slightly bent a little waist, then arm slightly drooping some words, it is exactly the same and that monkey action Welbeck, that is to say, this crazy Chelsea fans have come prepared.

Not only that, the "Daily Mail" also exposed a Cork Beckham wearing a floral dress, wearing a green glueless lace front wigs photo, Premier League goddess Kelly - Brook recently glueless lace wigs performances some, but Branch Kehan ​​Mu performing "far away with the Premiership goddess.


Exhibition game wearing a wig KuErTeng imitation

Exhibition game wearing a wig KuErTeng imitation
Beijing time on November 18 news, after winning the NBA finals after the end of London men's singles champion, the end of two consecutive years ranked first Serbia's djokovic have not been idle. A few days ago he and ATP annual best newcomer kerry praise in Slovakia on a exhibition game, and then on the came to Rio DE janeiro. In Virginia to local rossi slum court to cut the ribbon and professor small players tennis skills after that, the little DE and retired Brazil's KuErTeng conducted a field exhibition game.

Back on the pitch two people continue to game, but in KuErTeng before serving small DE suddenly hint to replace the racket. After get referee allow small DE came to the sideline, pull open the pocket, but out of but is not a new racket, but a top carefully prepared glueless full lace wigs. The fans in the laughter, the druid to wear a glueless lace wigs, which made him and the appearance of KuErTeng almost exactly the same. KuErTeng at this time also has stunned, go to the German side and he hugs in together.

Jared wearing a glueless lace wigs

Jared wearing a glueless lace wigs

New Orleans local time on November 16,, the movie Dallas customer club "set exposure, on the same day the actor Matthew McConaughey and handsome boy jared leto appearance set. But the day's jared leto has from the muscle male Cinderella became bony producer, but also bring the glueless lace wigs, painted with red lip, playing transgender.


James Wayne rooney wear a glueless lace wigs

James Wayne rooney wear a glueless lace wigs
With 007 series movie the latest a the awning fall "premiere in London," 007 "James Bond and became a hot topic, and a based on this background video are now popular in the Internet, just in the film the characters were not James Bond, but" James Wayne rooney ". On October 23,, the United States the mainstream media made a "007 trailer," rooney perfect incarnation "007", let him in without the knowledge of the cases touch a electric.

October 24, Manchester united is Wayne rooney's 27 years old birthday. After a day, rooney against braga in the uefa champions league group wear the captain's armband. The game, Manchester united in the two goals behind the adverse situation eventually win 3-2 reversal, the team with a victory for Wayne rooney birthday, sir alex ferguson also use the captain's armband runner to celebrate a birthday. On the same day, the Hector FenDu post British edition website comedy section, hang out a by Wayne rooney starred in "007" promotional material, originally - this is the media to give him to special birthday gift.
In Britain people eyes, "007" has always been considered symbolic expression of heroes, not only has great skill, the thought is agile, also can always at a critical moment in on my own defuse the crisis, become a provocateur's nightmare. In the British fans opinion, rooney playing is the bond type character.
Although only a 1 points and 15 seconds, but this video production can be beautiful, "god editing" will be some of the "007" series of film classic fragment, and Wayne rooney originally filmed some advertising in the fragment the perfect fit. Not only have rooney and female boss "M" talk, there are various kinds of fighting picture. In the house car, the most advanced weapons under the help, Wayne rooney this "007" when very have style, handsome to discuss, wonderful action scenes also through the. In order to make video production more lifelike, the site also specially looks for to professional dubbing voice actor for Wayne rooney, sounds very real ones.

There is a scene in the film, sitting in the "M" lady, received from "007" Wayne rooney's short message "just find a hair transplant clinic!" A lens is Wayne rooney is his thick glueless lace wigs clip. The mirror jokingly said, "rooney the modelling of now than Sean Connery during the wear a full lace wigs of modelling effect better." Want to know, hair loss, it's always a great event with Wayne rooney, therefore his use of the drug therapy, hair transplant wait for a method, but the effect is not obvious.
The mirror to ridicule says that it is "a will see video". The paper is to this short film about it is, "this version of the bond the biggest characteristic is that he has married. However, his famous affinity, weird style and pressure cold face, but also quite a bit bond's lun namely model."

Kim Kardashian new glueless lace wigs image

Kim Kardashian new glueless lace wigs image
The United States sexy beauties Kim Kardashian has to find the most suitable Halloween party modelling. Local time Saturday evening, she pretended to be a mermaid and boyfriend west together in New York to attend the party.

Kim Kardashian wearing a glueless lace wigs, the upper part of the body only wear a shell modeling clothing, para, with green fishtail shape long skirt. Overall modelling is very bright eye, even her boyfriend west also could not help but take out mobile phone has been taking pictures for his girlfriend.

This is controversial silk top lace wigs

This is controversial silk top lace wigs
According to the British "daily mail" reported on November 12,, the east port city of Romania Constanta police captain Emanoil Moraru for build relaxed atmosphere, unexpectedly naked wear silk top lace wigs send now in training. Photos after exposure although very embarrassed, but he refused to apologize for this.

Photo, maura lu what also didn't wear, head wearing a silk top lace wigs and holding a toy gun cover privacy place. Other police officers, dressed in full protection, around him. These photos in senior management resulted in huge embarrassment, but maura lu contrast don't regret.
Maura lu refused to apologize, he said: "in my team, we are fighting and, we a little crazy. We don't feel shame. We work hard, train hard, sometimes we also need to vent. The gun just toys,that full lace wigs from training dummies. In fact, I am wearing shorts, but the pictures you see."
This is not maura lu first dallying his colleagues. He was dressed as a cleaner to work, another also dress up as plant quietly sitting in a corner, until someone found him. A colleague said: "he is a like wacky professionals, but I must admit, sometimes he behavior is frowned." Maura lu in the criminals are terrible reputation, colleagues said to his justice to spare no effort.

l like glueless full lace wigs

l like glueless full lace wigs
Now I also love to wear glueless full lace wigs. Last year I think cancer had a surgery, and then after a period of chemotherapy, the hair off many, winter has come, so I customize a glueless full lace wigs, such already can hide my hair less faults, still can as is wear a hat. My glueless full lace wigs materials all come from human hair, after degerming disinfection treatment, put up clean safely. Hair net net materials are imported from Switzerland, super true simulation scalp, breathable performance is very good. Custom glueless full lace wigs is a rigorous process, takes about eight process, a month's time to finish.

And, human and wigs hair is especially suitable for thinning hair, hair, finished after chemotherapy of the crowd. If you want to know how to make a glueless full lace wigs looks more natural problem, every one human and wigs hair will according to each person's characteristics to determine the modelling, hair pieces, long hair, hair, professional stylist according to the length of the hair and you like to clip, make whole hair style looks and you match very well.

My like
Now I also love to wear a wig. Last year I think cancer had a surgery, and then after a period of chemotherapy, the hair off many, winter has come, so I customize a wig, such already can hide my hair less faults, still can as is wear a hat. My wig materials all come from human hair, after degerming disinfection treatment, put up clean safely. Hair net net materials are imported from Switzerland, super true simulation scalp, breathable performance is very good. Custom wig is a rigorous process, takes about eight process, a month's time to finish.
And, true and false hair is especially suitable for thinning hair, hair, finished after chemotherapy of the crowd. If you want to know how to make a wig looks more natural problem, every one true and false hair will according to each person's characteristics to determine the modelling, hair pieces, long hair, hair, professional stylist according to the length of the hair and you like to clip, make whole hair style looks and you match very well.


O 'neal's new fun

O 'neal's new fun
Although o 'neal retired more than a year, but the big guy never far from the line of sight of the media, he can always make some rich in comedy elements of the news, to challenge the imagination of the outside world, this time, he was in the karaoke contest challenge on two big entertainment star, in the field, the shark singing one song "When Doves Cry", although the sing of deep feeling, but his beautiful real human hair wigs and savage chi or frightened many fans.

Still remember "Shaq Vs"? This file shaq host of variety show that the fans to chase after hold in both hands, the content is o 'neal challenge all sorts of other areas star, although "shaq challenge" has become the past tense, but of shaq's reality TV show but still on, the United States local time Thursday, shaq took part in the kelly - in palmer and Michael - Stella han at the carnival activities, in the program, shaq took the microphone and two big entertainment star listen to songs.
Shaq is obviously prepared, and side two star, compared to his dress up very alternative, the shark was dressed in white, tie-in purple pants, and his dark skin to form bright contrast, at the same time, garment hubble-bubble sleeve also very grab an eye, but more a feeling of collapse, o 'neal was also wearing a human hair full lace wigs, and so savage had also really frightened many courtside audiences.

O 'neal new fun
Although o 'neal retired more than a year, but the big guy never far from the line of sight of the media, he can always make some rich in comedy elements of the news, to challenge the imagination of the outside world, this time, he was in the karaoke contest challenge on two big entertainment star, in the field, the shark singing one song "When Doves Cry", although the sing of deep feeling, but his beautiful wig and savage chi or frightened many fans.

Still remember "Shaq Vs"? This file shaq host of variety show that the fans to chase after hold in both hands, the content is o 'neal challenge all sorts of other areas star, although "shaq challenge" has become the past tense, but of shaq's reality TV show but still on, the United States local time Thursday, shaq took part in the kelly - in palmer and Michael - Stella han at the carnival activities, in the program, shaq took the microphone and two big entertainment star listen to songs.
Shaq is obviously prepared, and side two star, compared to his dress up very alternative, the shark was dressed in white, tie-in purple pants, and his dark skin to form bright contrast, at the same time, garment hubble-bubble sleeve also very grab an eye, but more a feeling of collapse, o 'neal was also wearing a wig set, and so savage had also really frightened many courtside audiences.

Kim kardashians new photos

Kim kardashians new photos
On October 15th, according to the British " Daily Mail " reports, local time on October 14th, in Miami's reality show star Kim kardashians began to get ready for Halloween, she uploaded via Twitter her in a shop fitting room wearing a glueless silk top wig and exposure to wear leopard tights picture, figure curve cover all at one glance.

Photo 31,•kardashians Halloween outfit is a catsuit, before the body only a layer of gauze mask, showing sexy good stature, also wearing a cat. In addition to this set of leopard tights, she also released a Michael Jackson type modeling photos. Gold karashian Halloween always likes wearing tights showing her nice figure, last year, she wore a decorated with beads green skirt, wearing a glueless lace wigs, playing the role of Batman in poison ivy.

Kylie's wig show

Kylie's wig show
According to the British " Daily Mail " report, sexy celebrated Kylie is known as the 50 years of the most sexy British actress, recently, in a crazy horse shows, 32 year old Kelly Brooke exposing a plurality of behind-the-scenes photos, show their good figure.

Crazy horse is the night life in Paris in the most representative. Recently, Kelly joined the crazy horse show, and the Twitter upload multiple photos, she wore a glueless cap full lace wigs, stained with red lips. Photo of Kylie wearing only a red sexy tight-fitting skirt admiring himself in the mirror, show hot stature, Kelly didn't seem too shy. She released in the social network of a photo, perfect hips curve take in everything in a glance.
On the same day, many stars have participated in this crazy horse, including Dita Vantes, Carmen, Electra, Pamela Edson. She also will be in November 1st to participate in the Carmen Electra fashion show, "a lot of people have dreams of winning a Oscar prize, I also like, if I was a crazy horse dancer. When I know that this show will be held in London, I knew I would wear a full lace wigs attend. " Crazy Horse director Iota Theoreme will continue to work with Kylie to realize her dream. But Kylie also fear they will get old: " aging is very terrible, but with the increase of life experience, I will become more confident.


Nicole Kidman through full lace wigs show charm

Nicole Kidman through full lace wigs show charm
According to French media " Figaro " reported recently, Australia Belle star Nicole Kidman in the new film " Newsboy " as her acting career of the most dazzling and unrestrained character, hitherto unknown bold adventure and breakthrough measure performance to show her incomparable star charm.

In the Li Daniels film " Newsboy ", Nicole Kidman breaks through the scale, become wearing a silk top glueless full lace wig, unrestrained passion white biographer Sherlock, she's madly in love with the murder and was sentenced to life in prison by John Cusack. In the film, Nicole has many bold performances and passion play, which is in a man urine screen, mad passionate interpretations also caused Nicole Kidman to laugh at themselves, said " don't know he 's played this role is to let everyone and unpleasant ". Based on her artistic freedom and uncompromising character, Nicole Kidman defines itself as a love challenges and radical actor. Nicole Kidman wear full lace wigs picture really is very beautiful.

Wig guide fashion

Wig guide fashion
Introduction: wig piece, styled full lace wigs curtain is splicing art and satisfaction fashion products. Progressive people thought must be trendy, wig such thing, not as conservative for those who have hair defects and manufacturing. If enough love, might as well bold attempt.
Rational use of wig element, has always been a very clever stage one of the means. That fluffy like cotton candy of hairstyle, or those extremely use up exaggerated sense of modelling, can use wig fulfilled, saves time and effort, and the effect is amazing. In 2012 fashionable dress weeks of Meadham Kirchhoff on beautiful field, model girl's wig will wear very obvious. From the forehead border in the second profile can be found. In fact modelling division to is a kind of can foil the brand image of visual sense, wig wear whether obvious already irrelevant.
In 2012 show on field Vivienne Westwood, see so bizarre exaggerated hairstyle is normal. The most interesting thing is, modelling division in the full lace wigs and true hair junction do a very straightforward impression: the whole period of hair end part of the hair appear very old, and the head of hair, whether from shape or color, even ZhengJieDu from it completely disrupted, and so do opposite two extreme, this is exactly what brand has always followed by the non-traditional rebel spirit!

Kelly - osborne's full silk top wig

Kelly - osborne's full silk top wig
Kelly - osborne in Twitter posted on the latest pictures of her to wear a full lace wigs dress became good friends MeiLi - Cyrus and really Cyrus photo together, very interesting.

But at the age of 26, kelly - osborne recently met a little trouble, someone invaded her E-mail account! Kelly - Osborn said: "someone invaded my E-mail account, the police are investigating, this give I caused very big trouble! If someone is trying to sell any of my material, you will be monitored! The name hackers invaded my email, and put my mail forwarded to all his mailbox, so now I know who is doing, I'll find you, and you will also be arrested. The man read all of my personal information and wear my full silk top wig! That's too much!"

In the history of western wig

In the history of western wig
In the western history, people a second general wigs period should be in the stylized period. This period of European clothing present a baroque and rococo style. These two kinds of style is not exist at the same time, but time and space on the longitudinal undertake. In the baroque period, the men's clothing began to appear a shares feminine flavor. Especially tie, wig application makes men's wear feminine trend is more obvious. And a full silk top lace wig to yoke, wave the form of roll show a man's noble temperament.

And by the rococo style period, men's clothing present a serious, tall and straight, and full of strength, thus from feminine return to masculine. full lace wigs also with the fashion style changes, produced to short phenomenon. Meanwhile, in the women's clothing to new divergent situation, women's hair stands out also. Some love the modern costume of women began to try to be unique, do unconventional or unorthodox hairstyle and tire in hot pursuit. They will even ship model, feathers, butterfly, branches, vegetables as decorations to makeup dot tall hair. And stylist make this hairstyle usually spend more time, so the women often have to maintain the same hairstyle longer time. And a long period of time, the hair will be send out peculiar smell. In order to maintain their own noble image, the women came up with the method of kill two birds with one stone, it is to use perfume to head spray a spray to fragrance hide peculiar smell. In this way the beauty of it, is a morbid beauty.


Katy Perry modelling by glueless lace wigs

Katy Perry modelling by glueless lace wigs
Katy Perry modelling every time is a refreshing, no matter be to do strange or the embodiment of beauty, very has her own unique personality beauty, this kind of restore ancient ways black short hair, will head all hair comb approach, show Katy Perry forehead, and will be the focus of visual and outstanding in the eyes and mouth, in canthus above, tilted bun, and in all hair end up part forming beautiful arc, very good-looking.

Many stars like wearing glueless silk top lace wigs, white, yellow, pink, blue is also a lot of people love choice of hair color, but like Katy Perry wear so natural and harmonious was little, Katy Perry of amber eyes made her look quite a somewhat different region fan, little bang as beautiful as light button in the top hat on his head, and on both sides of the glueless lace wigs is very sexy.

Singer President

Singer President
On April 4, 2011, Haiti household pop singer Michael marr tillie with a landslide win Haiti earthquake new President. Marr tillie to Haiti music the main contribution is the country's national traditional art "KangBaSi" carry forward, he with silk top glueless lace wig, Scotland? Skirt stage image and with political flavour Haiti hole palmer music popular music scene, with a large number of fans, the fans called "sweet mickey".

Political experience relative lack of markov tillie can win in the election, thanks to a lot of people from his fans into political supporters. Not only ordinary fans to support him, marr tillie also received a also covet Haiti the presidency of big music level character's support. In 2010, three times won grammy award of the American Haitian, hip-hop day wang wei Clive let announced for Haiti presidential election, a sensation. However he was living in Haiti time too short and was denied qualification campaign. Unable to realize the President dream, wei Clive to support friends "sweet mickey" marr tillie. Wei Clive in Haiti has ultra-high popularity, his support would certainly make markov icing tillie.
Marr tillie stage performances singular, including drag queen, wearing baby diapers, even to take off glueless silk top wig for fun audience. The presidential election in his disguise, exaggerated costumes became very straight suit.

Stars like a glueless silk top wig

Stars like a glueless silk top wig
To curl many women are and love and hate, parlor is always constant curl, and in Europe and the United States star, are very keen to curl, their hair style does not necessarily through the hand of stylist, some curl is his own dynamic begin, and cooperate with styling spray, the effect more caresses mei and moving.

Since appeared in transformers later, fox became sexy spokesperson, different from other western star, fox seems to prefer glueless silk top lace wigs, the points of black hair more the sexy beauty add some mysterious feeling, and on both sides of the natural big wave more yishion languid is lazy way showed very sexy.

Gossip girl has a very high ratings, Leighton Meester looks sweet, face is round, the focus of visual and easy to fall in the eye, full forehead is the symbol of the wisdom, so gentle glueless silk top wig suits Leighton Meester, only in the hair end make curl, and supple hair sends out a low-key luster, very good-looking.

Have you seen the kind of cat wearing a lace front wigs?

Have you seen the kind of cat wearing a lace front wigs?
According to the British "daily telegraph" four days of reports, wearing a lace front wigs is not the patent of human. A few days ago, in order to make his own cat looks more fashion, British masters are popular for their baby cats wear fashionable "cat wig".

According to the report, now in Britain, fashionable "cat wig" became the masters for his beloved cat dress up a kind of important decorations. It is reported, these lace front wigs have different color let cats selected, including the representative lady pink "cat wig", representative of vitality blue "cat wig", on behalf of the gorgeous and noble red "cat wig" and so on.

Blocks create a full lace wigs

Blocks create a full lace wigs

In the world of LEGO, blocks omnipotent. The Dutch designer Elroy Klee took blocks made a few full lace wigs. This would require numerous small blocks in the overhead, first combination into large pieces, again in the head assembly perfect - this is not an easy living it. Well blocks is plastic material, top in his head is not heavy, is to keep balance words get used to it. This hairstyle fashionable?

Fashion full lace glueless wigs

Fashion full lace glueless wigs
As a new trend category, fashion full lace glueless wigs in Europe and America etc already fashionable for many years, in addition to conform to the trend of the mainstream fashion, shaping protean modelling glamour outside, it also has perfect face shape, bright eye beautiful eye, tie-in dress effect, can from whole coruscate female temperament charm.

Wear a likely gull lace glueless wigs, can make the person instantaneous glorious flush, appear young bright beautiful, fashionable but person. Therefore, not only get full lace glueless wigs around the age of 30 women like, also had many more than twenty years old fashion girl's keen in different occasions choose different hairstyle, show the individual character of different style. Our full lace glueless wigs has millions of loyal customers, but also by the numerous and fashionable stars, politicians of favor, we have seen in the film and television star Paris Hilton, music scene days beyonce, Sarah brightman, American first lady michelle Obama and long-term wearing a glueless lace wigs.

Nina Dobreva like full lace wigs

Nina Dobreva like full lace wigs
Because the popular American drama "vampire diary and popular actress Nina Dobreva  recently on the magazine" Fashion "cover, the cover Nina · du husband has brown hair, perfect modelling.
In a magazine interview process, Nina Dobreva when it comes to your own personal dressing style said: "my own ferial modelling looks like a chameleon, I is changing every time, I absolutely is an adventurer, I like to try many different modelling."

Talking about normal filmed for the magazine cover or publicity as, Nina Dobreva happy said: "the truth is that every time I take pictures were very excited, because I can wear similar Prada, Chanel such big brand clothes."
In asked her what is the most important in the modelling, Nina Dobreva said: "I think, in the model, a design is very perfect italian yaki human hair wigs is the most important, every girl must have a very suitable for your full lace wigs. I think every girls should have a full lace wigs, I only recently heard these, I now only have a full lace wigs.

Jude law's wig photos were exposure

Jude law's wig photos were exposure

France local time on October 14,, 39 years old actor Jude law appeared local beach. The day's Jude law was dressed in a lively swimming trunks and wear a remy human full lace wigs, middle-aged fat figure completely exposed. Stout like leg, bigger pork belly, what is more Jude law emerged compared with more serious situation before, the top sides has not any hair, a SOB. Although foreign fans to Jude law fat figure said can accept, more fans say how he is sexy, but most fans for Jude law's bald pate and fat figure are expressed strong dissatisfaction, Chinese fans calls Jude law figure and hairline change a "didn't dare to look".


Naomi Watts needs her wigs

Naomi Watts needs her wigs

The 43-year-old actress has accumulated a large number of glueless silk top wig throughout her career in the film industry and claims they are by far her most valuable.
Naomi joked: 'If my bathroom cabinet was on fire, I'd make a beeline for my silk top full lace wigs collection. Seriously. They're the only valuable things in there - some cost thousands. You never know when you might need one for a job.'

The star also confessed her flawless complexion comes from regular Sarah Chapman facials - favoured by the likes of Keira Knightley and Kate Moss - and she relies on lots of sleep and water to keep her skin hydrated.
Naomi - whose long-term partner is Liev Schreiber - explained that all her skin needs is: 'A Sarah Chapman facial. God, they're brilliant - all that massage and lymphatic drainage. I go into her little room, have a snooze, then walk out looking all shunt and fresh.'

Kim Zolciak Reveals Real Hair

Kim Zolciak Reveals Real Hair
‘Real Housewives of Atlanta’ star Kim Zolciak has been quoted in the past as saying she’d never leave home without a glueless cap full lace wigs on. But after seeing this picture of her real hair, I’m wondering why on earth she’d ever put a wig on!

The mother of four might be turning over a new leaf! The reality star, 34, Tweeted this picture with her natural, shoulder-length hair. Her hair stylist Niki Toney-Pressley said “Yes people she has hair!! Just blew it out and it’s all real!!”

Megan fox's new photos

Megan fox's new photos

Sexy beauty megan fox, accepted the Interview "magazine Interview, and wearing a glueless silk top wig took a group of fashionable big, let a person very jing is colourful, quite a part of cleopatra's classe. In the interview megan raise a stink about the paparazzi dissatisfaction, "if it is on the red carpet, can I leave them shooting, that is the normal work of the photographer, but life is paparazzi candid camera let me very hate."

The Grey 's Anatomy "regression

The Grey 's Anatomy "regression
BC television medical drama "Grey" s Anatomy "will be in this week on Friday morning Beijing time with two hours of special edition grand return. Believe that all the fans the most urgent want to know, is in the last season and cancer of resist tenaciously Izzie how fate. Now the audience can put down the heart, Izzie should not only to return to work, but also with the new appearance modelling.

In the last season, because the relationship between the treatment, no hair Izzie has been head wrapped scarf flowers, to lie down in bed. Izzie now will be in the United States local time on October 1 night broadcast of "grey's anatomy" debuted, and her head scarf flowers changed a glueless silk top lace wigs. The head of the ishmaelites to wear glueless lace wigs Izzie, is wearing on the face of the bright smile, completely and very ill is not the same. Although Izzie as the Catherine - hagrid's in this season will be absent a few sets, but can again see Izzie back to everyone in the middle, really exciting and excited.

How to care the human hair full lace wigs?

How to care the human hair full lace wigs?
1 in order to make a human hair full lace wigs to get rid of the greasy feeling that the first thing to do is to frequently wash their own hair;
2 as far as possible to reduce the frequency of wash human hair full lace wigs, it is best to wear six times or so in the cleaning. However, if it already looks hair oil is the best to reduce the number of wear a real human hair wigs not yet reached the cleaning time under the premise;

3 the first knot before cleaning wig hair stroked the smooth, pointed tail comb to comb volumes real human hair wigs, remember to gently comb the hair knotted;
4 pour warm water in the bowl and into the amount of shampoo, then soak the real human hair wigs in the water for five minutes, after gently squeeze out excess water final rinse in clean warm water;
5 rinse human hair full lace wigs back into the bowl, then pour a little shampoo in your hand in hand to gently rub the wigs, remember do not over scrub, then rinse off with clean warm water;
6 into the amount of hair conditioner in the hands and rub like to wash their own hair after the hanging five minutes, the final rinse.

How to measure customer wig size?

How to measure customer wig size?
Before you making glueless silk top lace wigs should be the measurement for the customer in accordance with the following methods:
1) with a brush customer hair try comb. If long hair, it is necessary to flatten.
2) measurement of head circumference, with a soft foot the middle of the forehead of the former Ministry of hairline side above and around the ears, and then to the rear, and finally back to the starting point, around the entire head. Customer's ears must not let the pressure in the soft feet below.

3) the measurement of the distance of the hair line, starting from the middle of the forehead, over the crown to the nape hairline. In order to achieve the most comfortable effect, allows the customer the head after the bend to find the base of the skull, because there will be supporting the glueless lace wigs.
4) the distance between the top portion measured along the crown around the temple (to the ear directly above).
5) measured along the occipital upper (to the ear directly above) the distance between the left and right ears.

We choose a full silk top lace wig

We choose a full silk top lace wig
Buy artificial scalp wig wearers should go to the store or the manufacturer, whichever model first with a special plastic sheet, press head curvature and alopecia range system the good artificial scalp, and whichever hair for the specimens with good cooked fat, then human hair density, hair flows evenly handmade hook made ​​wig piece, and finally a special glue on the artificial scalp Toupee clip, hair block is fixed on the part of the hair itself also trimvolume hot stereotypes. This full silk top lace wig is almost as real.

Full silk top lace wig and synthetic hair different, no matter what kind of wig, should be trimmed by a professional hair stylist. full lace wigs trim to go with the flow to be worn on the head with scissors vertically shear layers trim level, with real hair naturally link up to achieve the effect of real ones. The female wig trimmed before, should determine a good hair style, and style do fine trim stereotypes.


Angelina Jolie wearing a silk base full lace wigs

Angelina Jolie wearing a silk base full lace wigs
Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie movie "Salt" in the gorgeous appearance modelling 8 issue of vanity fair "cover.

35 years old Julie in spy thriller "Salt" plays a CIA agent angstrom, be framed for Russian spy, she to the state and honor loyalty was ordeal, she exhausted all the strength to evade capture, try to find out the truth.
Julie in in the film there are many different modelling, the vanity fair "cover, she wore a dark purple silk base full lace wigs, makeup look gorgeous, sexy and cold.

Baby wigs

Baby wigs

This picture from a website called "baby wig" jigsaw puzzlers photo shows two baby wear according to the American singer lily gold and actor Samuel Jackson hairstyle production lace front wigs with baby hair. Making these wig is an American company, they say attempt to explain the parents to the child's raise is great responsibility, but also can bring endless happiness.

High quality human hair wigs raw materials

High quality human hair wigs raw materials
The present market with most high quality human hair wigs is China's hair, India hair, Brazil hair, European hair,
China's hair: China's hair is currently the largest amount of raw materials production human hair full lace wigs, with China's large population and hair is hard, after acid treatment can bleaching and dyeing, adornment to head can then make model. In the United States and Europe is popular.
India hair: India have qualitative softer, hair no Chinese hair straight, have small waves rolled, the hair after chemical treatment easy to be broken, plasticity is not strong.
European hair: European hair color is more close to the local consumer market, at present s is the price the most expensive raw material, Europe hair hair is soft, not suitable for bleaching and dyeing and finishing, applied directly to hair extension more.

Chemical fiber, chemical fiber raw materials to human hair is a supplement to, chemical fiber yarn is divided into low temperature wire, high temperature wire, and protein silk
Cryogenic wire: low temperature wire used for people have a shade of a kind of filler, low temperature in the heating wire can be 270 degrees keep deformation, this kind of silk used to finalize the design, reduce people have shade in raw material costs. Low temperature yarn faults is flammable, after burning the caking.
High temperature wire: high temperature wire can be in 270 degree the following keep deformation, used to make style of modelling.
Protein silk: is the most close to the human hair raw material, feel the most close to the human hair, commonly used in high-grade wig product packing, and can automatically in the combustion flame retardant, in many countries products limited, is clear about the request, false hair can flame retardant, many countries have happened wig cause of tragedy.


Anne hathaway hairstyle

Anne hathaway hairstyle
For short hair modelling on nursing, actually also quite exquisite. In short, it'd better every day can clean once, then wash hair dry after each hair, be sure to use modelling product for the hair secondary modelling, to ensure that the short hair modelling cleaning administrative levels feeling. Anne hathaway it may be said is to acting road cut off his years of romantic curl. This kind of hair is very 60, 70 s hippie feel hair and bingle the length is more than 30 cm, starting from the top of the clipping in more notice of administrative shape.
Everybody to Anne hathaway impression should stay in the wear prada's girl "the movie, and romantic curl is Anne hathaway's main hairstyles, in curly hair length in shoulder-length hair for the best length, for shaping the roll degree from the position of the ear began to stretch roll degree, shaping the administrative short hair.

Anne hathaway can be said to be Hepburn style spirit heritage person. This hairstyle using a silk top glueless full lace wig overhead stack, and then use a little hair ornament for the hair decoration. Special attention should be paid to is Anne hathaway's this hairstyle not bang, Hepburn style in classical inheritance at the same time, much a few minutes of noble and elegant. A silk top full lace wigs can reflect a new perfect modelling.

How to deal with the trouble of hair loss?

How to deal with the trouble of hair loss?
Most of the female patients on chemotherapy hair loss is resistance, actually, this kind of hair loss is chemotherapy patients during temporary reaction, the hair can regrow out. In addition, taking measures to protect the hair before chemotherapy, advantageous new hair growth again.

But lose one's hair was really easy to cure the disease patients lose confidence, when begin to lose one's hair, patients how to deal with it? We suggest that: if is male patients, might as well can shave hair, or wear a hat, To female patients, the most practical suggestions is wearing a silk top glueless lace wig or hat. Choose a silk top full lace wigs to consider quality of a material comfort and web material permeability, had better wear made of real hair wigs, allergy. She thinks that, on the one hand the silk top glueless lace wig can help you protect scalp, prevent sun point-blank, at the same time can also be up in winter warm effect. On the other hand, in the governance we wear a silk top glueless lace wig can cover up effect, make patient restore beautiful, restore confidence, so as to better treatment.
The second point advice is don't be afraid to comb my hair. Many do up one's hair can promote scalp blood circulation, be helpful for hair growth. But must use soft comb, in the meantime not to force too much, too fast.