
How to care the human hair full lace wigs?

How to care the human hair full lace wigs?
1 in order to make a human hair full lace wigs to get rid of the greasy feeling that the first thing to do is to frequently wash their own hair;
2 as far as possible to reduce the frequency of wash human hair full lace wigs, it is best to wear six times or so in the cleaning. However, if it already looks hair oil is the best to reduce the number of wear a real human hair wigs not yet reached the cleaning time under the premise;

3 the first knot before cleaning wig hair stroked the smooth, pointed tail comb to comb volumes real human hair wigs, remember to gently comb the hair knotted;
4 pour warm water in the bowl and into the amount of shampoo, then soak the real human hair wigs in the water for five minutes, after gently squeeze out excess water final rinse in clean warm water;
5 rinse human hair full lace wigs back into the bowl, then pour a little shampoo in your hand in hand to gently rub the wigs, remember do not over scrub, then rinse off with clean warm water;
6 into the amount of hair conditioner in the hands and rub like to wash their own hair after the hanging five minutes, the final rinse.

