
Princess Diana's beautiful lace front wigs human hair

International online entertainment reported London local time on August 14,, the princess Diana, the set exposure, as princess Diana's day hogwarts dressed in black sequins skirt, wore a lace front wigs human hair and acting princess to very lovely. According to insiders revealed that na m Mr Day in shooting and the doctor haas NAT ・ gram han dating scene.Na Miao Watts wearing a front lace wigs human hair is still charming.

It is reported, the surgeon is princess Diana the true love of the whole life, and her soul mates, they first met at Britain's royal blue hospital meal, when Diana to visit the patient, the elevator door is closed, gram han the doctor was about to enter the elevator, the elevator door clamp the feet, the door open, Diana looked at his eyes said: "at that time I knew."
The film tells the story of the main DaiAiNa princess last 3 years gram han story.

