
What is the main reason causing the hair loss?

Computer use frequent
Long use of the close ties between the computer and alopecia. Computer work more hair loss, because the time of such people with brain longer, attention is highly concentrated, sustained increases in the excitability of the brain related to endocrine function disorders, hair growth, sebaceous glands, hair follicles vulnerable to embolism, so that the supply of hair nutrition obstacles, causes hair the increased brittleness easily happen off.do you like the human hair lace front wigs?

Excessive use of air conditioning
Hair is very sensitive to temperature and humidity of the air, and frequent changes in temperature and humidity will adversely affect the hair. Wet wind and cold air from the air conditioning blowing out may be the cause of hair loss, and even gave birth to white hair. In the heat of summer and the middle of winter, full steam ahead fierce blow air conditioning, indoor and outdoor temperature and humidity differences are too large, body and hair, are not able to adapt to moderate use of air conditioning, indoor and outdoor temperature difference should not exceed a maximum of 7 degrees Celsius best not too long use of air conditioning.
Above we tell you the reason for hair loss, you want to have a beautiful silky straight human hair lace wigs should avoid less to do these things to pay attention to pay attention to their own habits.

